What does art history, tattoo lore and mythology all have in common? They are some of the core ingredients in Lindsay K. Bandy’s new YA novel, Inevitable Fate. I got to chat with Lindsay about her new book, the first known American female tattoo artist, advise to aspiring writers, and more!

What is the premise of Inevitable Fate?
Inevitable Fate is a time-bending YA novel with elements of history, romance, and suspense. It's the story of Evan Kiernan, a seventeen-year-old art student, who falls in love with a mysteriously familiar girl and quickly realizes she’s about to die. Again. If he can’t put the pieces of their past together in time to save her, he’ll lose her—and himself—forever.
There's plenty of art history, tattoo lore, and mythology, as well as visits to interesting locations like the American Society for Psychical Research and the abandoned site of Kings Park Asylum. Oh, and there's even a chapter-by-chapter soundtrack! I was so excited that my publisher included it in the final copy of the book!
I’m intrigued by the mystery surrounding Mara Cassidy and how she is connected to Evan Kiernan. What inspired this story?
It all started when I decided to get a tattoo to cover a scar on my arm. I didn't choose the scar, but I realized I COULD choose to turn it into something else - something that made me happy. I started searching for some vintage tattoo ideas, because I like the classics, and I came across a portrait of Maud Stevens Wagner, the first known American female tattoo artist. I was immediately drawn in by the cool confidence in her gaze above all those very socially unacceptable tattoos on her chest and arms: Who was this woman? What drew her to such an unusual artform, and what experiences led her to look so comfortable on the fringes of society? She looked like a woman who had made some tough choices to claim the life she wanted, and I wanted to write a character like that. (Okay, actually, I want to BE a character like that!) She directly influenced my creation of Mary in the 1911 sections of Inevitable Fate, and she continues to inspire me to turn all my scars (internal and external) into something of my own choosing.
What was your writing process for Inevitable Fate?
I tend to follow my curiosity where it leads me. Once I have a character that I identify with in some deep way (usually we're asking the same big question, or facing the same struggle in a different time or place), I'll follow them anywhere. This means lots of fun research, using books, the internet, and travel! I took a trip to New York City to visit some of the historical and modern locations as I was writing Inevitable Fate, and this really helped me to soak in the setting's quirks, smells, textures, and surprises. I tend to go into a project with a basic idea of major plot points and how I think it will end, but as my project takes shape and my characters grow, so do I!
Sometimes I wish I was an outliner and a morning person (They seem so efficient! So perky! So organized!) but every book is a transformative process for me, full of surprises and growth. So I guess I'll keep pantsing by the light of the moon and see where I end up next...
I see that you work at a high school library and do workshops with kids and teens. What’s some of the best advice you have for young writers? Or aspiring writers of any age?
Oh, I love working with teen writers so much! They're full of wisdom and excellent insights. The best advice I can give them is to keep going and have stubborn faith in themselves and this roller coaster of a process. I usually tell them about the awful poetry I wrote in high school (I can't share examples because I literally burned the pages!) and how long it took me to really find my own voice rather than just writing the words I felt I was "supposed to" write. Be patient. Write to learn and understand, to find yourself and connect with others, and you'll find that the process, though frustrating at times, is a lovely and fulfilling way of life.
Where can people order your books?
Inevitable Fate and my first YA novel, Nemesis and the Swan (historical fiction set at the height of the French Revolution) are available in hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audio through most major retail outlets. I'd love for folks to order through their local independent bookstore!
You can also find my books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Inevitable-Fate-Lindsay-K-Bandy/dp/0744310849
Nemesis and the Swan's audiobook was an Audiofile Magazine Earphone Award-winner, too! https://www.audible.com/pd/Nemesis-and-the-Swan-Audiobook/1094059706?qid=1728418529&sr=1-1&ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=7QYMQREM4MVSCW9YS8V2&pageLoadId=vV8xTDxO1yjCbNHl&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1
Where’s the best place to follow you?
I'm most active on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lindsayfisherbandy/
You can also visit my website LindsayBandyBooks.com
I love to do virtual and in-person visits with book clubs, writers, and schools, so feel free to message me through my website!

What a fascinating discussion about Lindsay K. Bandy's Inevitable Fate! The blend of art history, tattoo lore, and mythology sounds captivating and adds depth to the narrative. As aspiring writers navigate their creative journeys, they might also find value in professional support, such as our dissertation writing services in New Zealand, which can help them articulate their ideas effectively. Excited to see where Lindsay's journey takes her next!