There has been so much going on with my book, I wanted to lay out some of the big changes and exciting updates!

Book Swag – It’s International!
Want free book goodies? I’ve created some bookish swag for anyone who preorders Gold Spun (or requests it from their library). Order the hardcover or paperback and I’ll send you a bookmark, signed bookplate and doorhanger. Plus, I have some exclusive bracelets for some orders. The design on the doorhanger was custom created by my bestie, Erica Palay, who is an amazing costume designer. She created this look for Nor to represent a big scene in the book. And if you order the ebook, audiobook, or request from your library, I’ll send you a postcard with the map (art to come). Just make sure to fill out the form here. I’ve also decided to open this offer to international orders as well, since I want to show all my readers some Gold Spun love. Gold Spun is available for preorder on CamCat Books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and just about anywhere else online where books are sold. (The audiobook will be up on Amazon, but is also available for preorder on GooglePlay.)

Reviews Are Coming In
Early reviews are coming in on GoodReads and BookBub if you want to see what people are saying about Gold Spun. And Gold Spun is making some TikTok waves with this review from thedarklingsdarling. If you’re a book reviewer, Gold Spun is currently available on Edelweiss.
“This book is addicting, Nor is the funniest and most conniving FMC I have read in a while, and I didn’t expect to love Pel as much as I did.” -Luz Santana
“I LOVED this retelling!” -Lizzie
“Instead of the captive, weeping miller's daughter of the original tale, Nor is a bold, cunning, and fierce woman who will stop at nothing to keep her family safe and trips over her own flaws.” -Nicole
Release Date Change

Initially, Gold Spun was set to release May 11th. It has now moved back to June 8th. While I’m impatient to share this story with all of you, this is actually a good thing. The publisher has a bit more time to finalize some special elements, such as the hand-inked map that will be included in the book. Plus, it now aligns with the Bookish Box, which brings me to my next update…
June Bookish Box
Gold Spun has been selected by Bookish Box for their June YA box. I am so freaking excited! They are creating an exclusive version of Gold Spun with a reversible dust jack and I’ll be signing the books. I won’t spoil any of the details, but I will say that this exclusive book is going to be freaking gorgeous. I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Bonus, Bookish reports their numbers to the New York Times Bestseller List, so purchases doubly support my goals as a new author! If you're interested in scoring your own June Bookish, I suggest signing up on their waitlist, as their April boxes sold out super fast.

I’m sharing a look at what goes into publishing a book. I have a few podcasts booked where I’ll talk about the process and I’m posting about the journey. I’ll announce the podcasts as they become available, and here’s my first post, which is all about how we came up with the cover design. Comment if there’s something about the publishing process that you’d like to know about.
I think that’s about it for now, but I promise to update with more Gold Spun posts!